Distributed System Design: 10 Truths

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Most modern applications are distributed, integrate with third-party services, and expose APIs. And although the cloud, serverless, and automation have made distributed systems management easier, many fundamental challenges like coupling, latency, or delivery semantics remain. It’s the architects’ job to understand the nuances and trade-offs involved in making design decisions based on such concepts.

This interactive workshop, led by a 20-year veteran in messaging system design, revisits the fundamental concepts of asynchronous, distributed system design and equips participants with visual decision models to communicate their design decisions.

Date: December 2, 2024 |Duration: 1 day
Location: apidays Paris 2024 conference at CNIT Forest – 2 Pl. de la Défense, 92092 Puteaux, France
Pricing: 799 EUR (30% discount for OAI members)

Gregor Hohpe


Gregor Hohpe contemplate and write about architecture strategy, cloud, and IT transformation. In between, Gregor:

  • extracts order from chaos
  • dives into the engine room to give the penthouse better IT strategies
  • fights relentlessly against unnecessary complexity and corporate politics

Gregor has been called the “IT transformation jester” – unbiased, trusted, influential, and witty. His unlikely career path allowed him to learn entrepreneurship in a Silicon Valley startup, strategy at Deloitte, agile development at ThoughtWorks, internet-scale engineering at Google, and IT transformation at Allianz. Now Gregor combines all of them to solve IT problems by seeing them from more angles.

Who's it for?

Who's it for?

  • Integration architects
  • Distributed system developers
  • API Developers looking for scaling their practices
  • VPs of Application Development
  • VPs of Engineering
  • IT Architects
  • Platform and DevOps engineers
What you will learn

What you will learn

  • Tackle the challenges like coupling, latency, or delivery semantics
  • Fundamental concepts of asynchronous, distributed system design
  • Decision models to communicate their design decisions


Most modern applications are distributed, integrate with third-party services, and expose APIs. Although the cloud, serverless, and automation make distributed systems management easier, fundamental challenges like latency, throttling, or out-of-order delivery remain. Enterprise Integration Patterns have helped developers design distributed message flows for over two decades, but scalable distributed systems must also tackle operational aspects like flow control, in-order delivery, and retry logic.

Taking the “Fallacies of Distributed Computing” one level up (and inverting towards positive outcomes), attendees learn how queues invert control flow but require flow control, why loose coupling isn’t always the best choice, and why retry logic is most likely to take your system down.

Key Takeaways

  1. A nuanced understanding of coupling between distributed systems
  2. How to design asynchronous systems that are resilient against failure and perform predictably under high load
  3. An intuitive notation to model control flow across distributed systems
  4. In-depth discussion with the co-author of the timeless classic ‘Enterprise Integration Patterns’

Join the Workshop

Attendees will receive a paper and a digital certificate that’s awarded by APImasters and OAI.

Badge OpenAPI Certification

Advanced Integration Patterns:
Masterclass on Coupling and Control Flow by Gregor Hohpe